Developing curiosity & motivation to learn

Developing curiosity & motivation to learn
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One of the recommended ways to learn science for your child is through experiments. Without experiments, your child might not be able to visualise how some concepts work. For example, the water cycle has concepts such as condensation and evaporation and heat.

These days with online classes, students are unable to try out the experiment themselves and ask further questions to understand the topic.

But before your child goes to the experimental stage your child needs to develop the habit of asking questions and to ask questions, your child needs to be curious.

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Ask them questions & answer their questions

The last thing you want to do is to reply with a “Because I said so” or “Because that’s how it works” for convenience’s sake. Not only will this confuse your child further, but it can also discourage them from thinking further and learning themselves.

Alternatively, you can ask them questions to further prompt their thinking such as ”why do you think the floor becomes dry after a while?”.

This encourages them to find out an answer and learn to give you an answer. If both of you do not know, you can search for the answer together and this can further teach your child how to do research

Visit new places

You can bring them to the zoo, museum or science centre. This opens up your child to a world of new experiences and stimulates their curiosity.

If your child is drawn to a particular concept, you can do further research with them online and learn together.

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Motivating your child to learn

Looking beyond books and practise papers

Make learning fun by introducing games to them. Now that the exams are over, your child might not want to face another textbook or assessment book so fast. In order to make them still learn while they are having fun, you can use game-based learning.

When your child is actively engaged with a game, their mind experiences the pleasure of learning a new system. Games that are entertaining provide the added benefit of motivating children to want to engage in the learning process and want to learn more.

Game-based learning is a great way to introduce new ideas, grammar, concepts, and knowledge in a way that motivates children to learn. Watch the video below for recommendations that your child can watch & games to play in order to learn better! 

Finding out your child’s learning style

Every child has learning preferences and styles that are best suited to their way of learning. Some children have a dominant learning style, while others prefer to learn using a mix of learning styles.

By helping your child discover their preferred learning styles, you can use techniques that will improve their rate and quality of learning. This will make learning for them easier and they will be able to absorb knowledge better.

There are seven fundamental learning styles: Visual, Auditory, Verbal, Physical, Logical (mathematical), Social and Solitary. For example, visual learners do best by watching how things work. One way for visual learners to learn is to do experiments.

Read more here on what Science experiments you and your child can do at home

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