If your child is taking the PSLE science paper soon, you may have wondered how to best prepare him or her for it. After all, it is one of the most important science examinations that students in Singapore have to go through.
To score well, it is not enough for students to have the content memorised. Instead, students must be able to present the relevant concepts in a carefully crafted manner. Only a clear, concise, and well-structured answer can show that students have truly understood the science concepts taught in their curriculum.
Part of the solution is to equip students with the correct science answering techniques. Mastering these steps can help students improve their test results and boost their confidence when faced with difficult test questions.
If you are looking for tips on these science answering techniques, this is the place. In this article, Keynote Learning covers some of the most important science answering techniques that your child can apply.
Technique 1: Analyse The Question
In an examination where time is of the essence, students are often eager to show their content knowledge and launch into their answers immediately.
However, without properly analysing a question, students may miss out on the keywords that determine the entire context of the question. These mistakes can cost marks, and make a big difference as they add up.
Students need to read the question carefully and identify key terms such as "Describe", "Explain", or "Compare". These terms indicate what the question is asking for, making it important to account for them when writing an answer.
Next, some questions might be complex or have multiple parts. Breaking it down into its components can help the answering process be more manageable, and ensure that all aspects of the questions are addressed in the response.
Technique 2: Be Specific and Use Keywords
By the time the PSLE science paper rolls around, most students should know enough about the current syllabus to recognise which concepts are being tested.
Based on that knowledge, students need to be specific and carefully answer using keywords.
Here is an example:
Answer A is wrong. This is because the student misunderstood the context as asking about the concept of "Air", when the question specified "Oxygen".
Answer B is correct.
Students need to be aware of what the question is asking for, and be specific in repeating the keywords that the question has already provided. This science answering technique should be part and parcel of a student's skills.
This also encompasses the need for question analysis, as stated in Technique 1.
Technique 3: Examine All Diagrams
It is true that diagrams in PSLE science questions can sometimes contain excessive information.
Even so, various types of diagrams do appear in PSLE science open ended questions and multiple choice questions. They can be charts, figures, tables and others.
They form the given contexts to and shed light on the question. If the student's skills are refined enough, they will know what concepts or answers the question is looking for.
It is important to focus on every piece of information given in these diagrams to understand the full context of the question so that students do well in answering structured questions effectively.
Technique 4: Learn Phrasing and Answering Techniques
PSLE science questions come in various types, requiring students to become familiar with different techniques. This is especially important in open ended questions, as PSLE science questions are tailored for breadth.
By familiarising themselves with the proper phrasing and science answering techniques, students can structure their explanation in a more concise manner that scores them the best marks possible in each question type.
The type of phrasing required in an answer depends on the given contexts. Here are two examples of answering techniques that go a long way towards showing understanding.
First, the below question is regarding the movement of substances.
The correct answering technique is: From where? → To where? → Through what?
Second, for questions with diagrams or tables, the correct answering technique is:- Claim → Evidence → Reasoning
By applying the correct answering technique to a question, students can answer questions in a relevant and concise manner.
Technique 5: Double Check All Answers
Last but not least, students should review their answers before submitting the exam.
If all goes well, a student can aim to finish a test with a few minutes to spare. This is a great time to ensure that answers are carefully crafted, and the previous four techniques are accounted for.
Often, the double checking process can identify common mistakes like misinterpretation of the question or omission of key points, saving a few marks. If not, students can take the time to identify answers that can be refined for clarity and precision, and make use of every minute they have.
We suggest making double checking a habit even when your child is working on assessment books for practice, as it is one of the necessary skills to equip students with.
Learn Vital Techniques For the PSLE Science Paper
We know PSLE science is one of the most important science examinations in Singapore's education system.
We also know that knowing the scientific concepts is just half of the necessary skills needed to answer PSLE science questions well. The other half is showing understanding through applying the correct techniques.
These 5 tips we’ve provided will help students answer questions accurately and aim for a higher grade in their PSLE science paper 2. For more information, you can check out our helpful webinar below:
If you are looking to further support your child's PSLE science journey, contact Keynote Learning to find out more about our Primary School Science Tuition Services. We run a comprehensive course on the current syllabus that has helped many students excel in their PSLE science exams.
Contact us today to give your child the best possible preparation for their exam!